Presidio Spire
Project type Public Art
Date 2008
Location San Francisco, CA
This sculpture by Andy Goldsworthy is a 90’ tall grouping of 37 Monterey Cypress trees that were removed as part of the Presidio’s forest management. By working closely with Andy Goldsworthy and the For-Site Foundation, a structural support system was devised to support the sculpture while not interfering with the artistic process. Stability was insured during the construction process by placing the center tree in a pipe buried into the ground. Final stability is insured by two concrete rings that wrap around the grouping of trees and concrete footings that spread out into the landscape, similar to tree roots. Protection of the trees was coordinated with Andy Goldsworthy, the Presidio and the general contractor during construction. While at Endres Ware as Project Architect, I was intensely involved in the project from early meetings concerning feasibility, timing and permitting through the construction process and site visits which were all integral to the success of this project in meeting the strict requirements of the Presidio. Photos by ADBC Architecture